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Contact Page

Contact Page

Use this contact page if you are wondering where to start on your fitness journey, what it would mean to shift, to begin to build muscle, stamina and aerobic capacity, get in touch.

We are under-muscled and over-nourished. Is it any wonder why we are in a obesity epidemic?   You don’t have to be a fitness guru to know what to do. Begin to move more and read our easy to understand content. You’ll quickly see, transforming your energy, your physique and your life has never been easier. We have crafted this site to make fitness a simple choice. Choose action!

If you are getting started from ground zero, I recommend walking, long and slow. The ideal would be 45-60 minutes but do what you can and build to the ideal. If all you can do is 20 minutes, do that!  Your something is better than nothing! The biggest gain comes from consistent effort.

Resistance Training

For resistance training, use your body weight. Squat with your back against the wall–this method ensures stability. Do deadlifts with a laundry basket. If you can’t do a regular push-up try a ‘kneeling push-up.’  The same thing goes for stretching. Do a sit and reach with only one leg, or use a chair.

My free download to strength, stamina and sturdiness  is a framework. That means use it as a guide, create your version from the framework provided. Athletic skill or prowess in sports is not required. All that is required to get the benefit is effort.