
About Fly Fisher Fitness


Brian Braudis is the creator of Fly Fisher Fitness. A life-long outdoor-type, he dived deeply into flyfishing—with earnest after retiring as a Certified Wildlife Biologist and Manager for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Brian has been involved with exercise for over 40 years but getting older served as an awakening to shift from recreational exercising to *training like your life depends on it….because it does!

The obsessive drive to stay fit (while raising a family and moving around the country for work) and never slide backwards started long ago when Brian first qualified for Arduous Duty with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Trial and error, iteration after failure, exhaustion, always pushing a little harder–that’s entry-level fitness effort for wild-land firefighting. This is some of what Brian brings to Fly Fisher Fitness.  

Brian is a biologist, fly fisher, outdoorsman, Certified Coach and Certified Fitness Trainer for Older Adults—with boots-on-the-ground expertise.

He is constantly deciphering the latest clinical research and exercise science. From that, developing training strategies specifically designed to help fly fishers’ fish harder for longer periods, not only in all terrain and conditions but also flyfishing with vigor into their 90s.

Fitness apps are fine but Brian’s work is anchored in a personal approach merged with science, art and creativity to meet you live, wherever you are in your fitness effort.  

Brian enjoys talking about Fly Fisher Fitness and fishing for trout, steelhead, salmon and in the salt, redfish, speckled trout and white perch.   


Brian doesn’t profess to have all the answers. But, he can help you get started and provide tools and inspiration for you to keep yourself fit for a long, vigorous life flyfishing.


Aquatic biology helps us fish better. Learning human biology will help us age better. 

Get in Touch

I cannot make you fit. But I can guarantee you have everything required to keep yourself fit.

I suggest you start and download my Quick Guide to Fly Fisher Fitness and get in touch. 

A Closing Thought: Why Fly Fisher Fitness is Important

The thing about the outdoors and flyfishing is a crisis finds you as you are, not as you wish you were. Nature’s hazards have a way of finding your weak areas. Prepare yourself beyond purchasing gear! 

*Training is a 4-pronged lifestyle of exercise, nutrition, sleep and emotional health.


The strenuous life tastes better– William James