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Enjoy your free fly fisher fitness download Quick Guide to strength, stamina and sturdiness. You will increase your fitness and prepare yourself like never before. 

No one wants to give up on fly-fishing just because of age or chronic illness. Get yourself in the kind of condition that creates freedom wading in dicey waters. The freedom to comfortably wander around in a stream looking for water that holds fish. You can do it even with less-than-perfect health, just like I did and continue to do. 

Use this free Fly Fisher Fitness download as a framework to develop the strength, stamina and sturdiness to wade, hike and fish in the most remote and difficult conditions……for years to come! 

Most people wouldn’t consider it necessary to exercise in preparation to fly fish, but that’s precisely what needs to happen. If you are unfit, unstable and lacking in sturdiness, flyfishing, normally heaven-like or nirvana, can have the opposite, undesirable effect of creating stress.  

Flyfishing is not a physical fitness activity. It’s a physically demanding activity. Hiking into a fishing area at minimum involves boots, mud, carrying yourself over loose, waxy soil, rocky outcrops and downed trees. Of course, the more remote the better. At the stream you wade. Wading is more like a trail-less hike in fast-moving water over slick (moving) rocks, perilous to be sure. Wading requires robust thermoregulation. The water is always colder than body temperature, relentlessly pulling heat from your body. 

An important distinction, fly-fishing is physical activity, not exercise. People mistakenly conflate these two terms. Physical activity is any movement that engages skeletal muscles and uses energy. Exercise refers to planned, structured, specific, and repetitive movement intended to improve and/or maintain physical fitness. Also, physical fitness is something that can be measured and quantified.

We need to bring strength, stamina and sturdiness to our fly-fishing. This free Fly Fisher Fitness Quick Guide to strength, stamina and sturdiness will help you do that.

The goal is to fly-fish with vigor into your 90s!