Tag Archive: Growth

Fly Fish More-Override Aging

To Fly fish More-Override Aging! Nature has programmed our body to age. It is innate, slow and steady but the signals are soft and easily overridden. Your DNA is still connected to Nature. Itā€™s ā€œlisteningā€ for signals from the environment to grow or decline. Everything you do, your choices and lifestyle send coded messages to […] View page

It Is Possible To Age Well

It is possible to age well. Your later decades can be full of vigorous flyfishing and free of suffering. We have a lot of power and influence on how we age but there are some aging processes where we have no say. Fortunately, these are mild (gray hair and wrinkles) not life-sustaining mechanisms. Everyone knows […] View page

Flyfishing & The Biology of Aging

Flyfishing and..the biology of aging, a natural process. Most of us are less comfortable with biology and more comfortable with the term agingā€”a concept and mental construct we use to describe changes that occur over a lifespan. There is the fixed chronological age where you add a number to your age at your birthday each […] View page