Tag Archive: Aging

12 Reasons Fly Fishers Need to Exercise Now

  Here are (12 Reasons Fly Fishers Need to Exercise Now) some highlights of what is not taught in school or anywhere else. You cannot buy, synthesize or prescribe the most potent preventive medicine available to man. How you use exercise to improve your flyfishing is also crucial to your life.  Use the contact form […] View page

Retirement a Flyfishing Rebirth

Make retirement a flyfishing rebirth. It’s a big shift for some, impossible dream for others but, It doesn’t have to be that way. Give it some thought. What is easy to grab, the low-hanging fruit? Take a walk, watch the sunrise, contemplate and think. After you return, take time to read this post. It’s alarming […] View page

Society is Wrong About Aging

Society is wrong about aging. Jokes, negativity and stories on how bad aging is are the norm. I lived in Florida. I got the message.   The reality is aging is a natural biological process that is shaped and influenced by society; people who know nothing about biology. Everyone I know keeps their distance from […] View page

Beat Aging and Chronic Disease

A personal essay. How I beat aging and chronic disease through self-education and boots-on-the-ground effort. Early Experience In the beginning my wildlife biologist career mandated collateral duties in law enforcement and as a wildland firefighter. Thus, required fitness testing and medical professionals signing off and approving me “fit for arduous duty” was standard procedure. The […] View page

Welcome to Fly Fisher Fitness

Welcome to Fly Fisher Fitness Welcome to Fly Fisher Fitness! Fly fishing demands a high level of stamina, power and coordination. Too often we develop enough wisdom and skill to be masterful or just when we have the time to fish longer and harder, our health wanes and we begin to deteriorate. We are here […] View page

Flyfishing & The Biology of Aging

Flyfishing and..the biology of aging, a natural process. Most of us are less comfortable with biology and more comfortable with the term aging—a concept and mental construct we use to describe changes that occur over a lifespan. There is the fixed chronological age where you add a number to your age at your birthday each […] View page