Tag Archive: Lifestyle

Three Forces That Push Back on Aging

Three Forces That Push Back on Aging. Researchers are now calling aging a disease. The details are, it’s a single disease; what begins as an unnoticeable (microscopic) decline in bodily processes and systems expands and cascades downstream, growing into chronic diseases. Older adult chronic disease is a consequence of involuntary age-related decline resulting from this […] View page

12 Reasons Fly Fishers Need to Exercise Now

  Here are (12 Reasons Fly Fishers Need to Exercise Now) some highlights of what is not taught in school or anywhere else. You cannot buy, synthesize or prescribe the most potent preventive medicine available to man. How you use exercise to improve your flyfishing is also crucial to your life.  Use the contact form […] View page

Beat Aging and Chronic Disease

A personal essay. How I beat aging and chronic disease through self-education and boots-on-the-ground effort. Early Experience In the beginning my wildlife biologist career mandated collateral duties in law enforcement and as a wildland firefighter. Thus, required fitness testing and medical professionals signing off and approving me “fit for arduous duty” was standard procedure. The […] View page