Fast Fitness Facts

Fast Fitness Facts

Fast Fitness Facts

The human body has a remarkable ability to heal itself. You slice open your knee. An Urgent Care angel stitches it up. The healing part is invisible. Unknowable forces of the Universe course through your body, stirring your endowed biology toward healing.

But as we age, our biology dulls. The processes that keep us spry, resilient and vital diminish.

Medicine has extended our lifespan in the past 100 years, but our physical body remains as it is, or always has been.

All is not lost. We know what to do to awaken our dampened biology. It is possible to age better than anyone we have witnessed in the past. The forces of the Universe do not wane. They are always there in full strength. With attention, effort and engagement, we collaborate with Nature increasing longevity, health and fitness.

Aging with strength, power and resilience, maintaining all our functions, requires effort. We have to work harder. Preventing decrepit aging, the kind we see in airports, restaurants and shopping malls requires a high degree of action, energy and engagement.

Become the captain of your health and fitness.

Fast Fitness Facts to help you.

*The BIG culprit of low energy, pain, stiffness, increased fat deposits, seemingly uncontrollable bodily changes is muscle loss. Muscle mass decreases approximately 3–8% per decade after the age of 30 and this rate of decline is even higher after the age of 60.

*Loss of muscle also makes you less stable. We lose coordination and power along with muscle. It is harder to catch yourself and prevent falls with reduced power and less muscle. That is why exercise, paying attention and reinvigorating our lifestyle are crucial.

*Inactivity is the enemy of aging. Researchers have identified 35 chronic diseases/conditions directly caused by inactivity. Age-related decline brings on disease. Sedentary speeds the decline. You can prevent all of this from manifesting. Even if you have an existing condition, exercise can keep it at bay.

*You do not have to become an athlete overnight. A 2023 British Journal of Sports Medicine study found: sitting 12 or more hours a day is too much and has a 38% higher risk of death than those who sat 8 hours a day. The rate of increased risk dropped in accordance with levels of moderate-to-vigorous exercise. Just 10 minutes of exercise per day reduced the risk of death by 35%, and 22 minutes or more eliminated the risk.

*Researchers have named 8 measures that can slow aging.

Fast Fitness Facts: tests to see where you are. People who can stand on one foot for more than 10 seconds have a better chance of avoiding premature death. The 10-Second Balance Test.

Fast Fitness Facts:tests, 5 more tests to see how you are aging.

Paying more attention, taking a more active role with your health and moving more is enough to get started.


Download free e-book: Quick Guide to Strength, Sturdiness and Stamina.


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